Displaying positive customer reviews is 1 of the nearly constructive ways to promote your business organization's reputation and increase conversions. Still, simply copying and pasting this feedback on your site tin can reduce its legitimacy and even brand it look simulated.

Fortunately, it's straightforward to embed Google reviews on your WordPress site. You tin use review plugins or edit your website's HTML to brandish feedback that automatically updates as it rolls in.

In this guide, we'll talk over the benefits of displaying Google reviews on your site and where you lot should place them. Then, nosotros'll explain a couple of dissimilar ways to embed them on your WordPress website.

Allow's get started!

Why Displaying Google Reviews Can Be Beneficial

Google reviews are part of the Google My Business platform. They enable your customers to share their experiences and leave star ratings for your service. These testimonials are public, and you can respond to them from your Google My Business business relationship.

A screenshot of Google reviews
Google reviews case

Google reviews are essential because they tin can increase the credibility of your business organisation. Approximately 86 percent of buyers use ratings to inform their buying decisions. As such, positive testimonials could boost your overall ecommerce sales.

Displaying Google reviews on your site could also improve your Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This is the process of making your website rank higher on search engine results. Google evaluates your site according to various factors. Reviews and ratings tin can business relationship for up to 15 per centum of the algorithm.

Finally, testimonials can prompt users to spend more fourth dimension on your site. If they get caught upwards in reading reviews, they may stay longer on your website. This can decrease your bounciness rate and provide a better User Feel (UX) for your readers.

Displaying positive customer reviews is ane of the best means to promote your business's reputation & increase conversions. 🌟 Get started with this guide 👇 Click to Tweet

Where You Should Display Google Reviews

You have a few different placement options with embedded Google reviews. Ideally, you want them to be like shooting fish in a barrel to find and read, simply non obstructive to the residue of your site's content.

Your offset option is to brandish Google reviews on your website'southward homepage. For example, Embed Social displays testimonials on its front folio.

Embed Social displaying Google reviews on a homepage
Embed Social displaying Google reviews

You could identify them at the bottom of your page or in the widgets section. By doing this, potential customers tin can encounter your testimonials almost immediately afterward landing on your site. As such, they may instantly have more trust in your business.

Alternatively, you can embed Google reviews on your "About" page or create a dedicated "Reviews" folio. Users generally visit this page to acquire more almost your concern's history, values, and other details. Displaying testimonials here tin can show potential customers your reputation as well.

For instance, the Icelandic campervan rental company Happy Campers has embedded Google reviews on a defended page.

Google reviews on a dedicated page
Google reviews on a dedicated folio

Finally, you might similar to display testimonials on the product pages of your ecommerce store.

Google reviews as testimonials on an ecommerce page
Google reviews as testimonials on an ecommerce page.

Alternatively, you lot could embed Google reviews of your overall visitor. Using this method, y'all could convince undecided customers to commit to their purchases and choose your business.

How to Embed Google Reviews on Your WordPress Site (2 Methods)

Now you know how important it is to display Google reviews on your WordPress site. You should also have a good idea of where you want to embed them.

Yous tin can add these reviews to your website using a plugin or past editing your site'southward HTML. Let's take a look at each method in more detail.

i. Utilise the Widget for Google Reviews Plugin

One of the easiest means to embed customer testimonials is past using the Widget for Google Reviews plugin.

Screenshot of the Widget for Google Reviews plugin homepage
Widget for Google Reviews plugin

This improver can display Google reviews in the widget section of your site. As such, it could exist a good option if you desire to show testimonials on all your posts and pages.

To get started, head to your WordPress dashboard and install the plugin.

Install the Widget for Google Reviews plugin on your site
Install the Widget for Google Reviews plugin

Click on Activate to finish the process. Then, head to the plugin's Settings. You can navigate beyond to the Full Installation Guide tab for detailed setup instructions.

Widget for Google Reviews full installation guide
Widget for Google Reviews full installation guide

Kickoff, you lot'll need to get your Google Place ID. You lot can find it by heading to the Google Place ID Finder and typing in the name of your business.

Google Place ID finder
Google Place ID finder

Next, you'll need a Google Places API. To go one, you'll need to log into your Google Panel business relationship dashboard. And then, click on Select a project and choose NEW Projection.

Subscribe At present

The Google Console Account dashboard
The Google Panel Account dashboard

Name and save your project. Then, select ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES > Places API > ENABLE.

Next, caput to the Navigation bill of fare and select APIS & Services > Credentials. This will bring you to the following page.

Create appropriate credentials
Create credentials

And so, click on + CREATE CREDENTIALS > API Cardinal. This will generate a code that you'll need to copy for later.

To complete the process in Google Panel, open the Navigation menu again and select Billing > LINK A BILLING Business relationship > CREATE BILLING Business relationship. You'll then be prompted to sign upwards for a free trial.

Account information and sign up for a free trial
Sign up for a free trial

Follow the prompts to cease the signup procedure. Then, caput back to your WordPress dashboard and the plugin's Settings. Here, paste the API primal and click on Salvage.

Paste the API key back into the main plugin settings
Paste the API dorsum into the main plugin settings

Next, navigate to the Shortcode tab and enter your Google Identify ID. You tin can also customize a few settings, such as how the reviews will display.

Enter your Google Place ID under the shortcode tab
Enter your Google Place ID nether the shortcode tab

The plugin volition automatically generate your shortcode. Yous tin now embed Google reviews in whatsoever postal service or page past adding a Shortcode block and pasting your unique lawmaking.

ii. Edit Your Site'due south HTML With JavaScript

Alternatively, y'all tin directly embed Google reviews on your WordPress site by editing the HTML. HTML controls how different elements — such equally text and images — display on your website.

This strategy volition use JavaScript, a pop scripting language that can interact with your site'south HTML. If y'all cull this method, you tin can show Google reviews on whatsoever office of your site. They will also update automatically as new testimonials come in.

Before you proceed, you lot may want to create a child theme. That manner, if yous make any mistakes in the post-obit steps, they won't damage the functionality of your overall site.

Showtime, you'll need your Google Places ID and an API primal. If you don't know how to access them, y'all can bank check the detailed instructions in the previous department of this tutorial.

Next, you'll need the Google Places script. You tin can follow the Maps Javascript API documentation to acquire how to obtain it from scratch.

At present, yous're going to paste a script into your site'south head department. To do this, you'll demand to edit your site'due south header.php file.

In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Appearance > Theme Editor and look for the file called header.php:

The header.php file in WordPress
Wait for the header.php file

Then, paste this scripting code into your file:

          <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/iii.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="/js/google-places.js "></script>  <script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp&libraries=places&key=[(API_KEY)]"></script>        

Instead of (API_KEY), you lot're going to blazon in your Google Places API. Next, add the following office to the file:

          <script> jQuery(certificate).ready(function() { $("#google-reviews").googlePlaces({ placeId: '[PLACES_ID]', render: ['reviews'], min_rating: five, max_rows: 0 }); }); </script>        

However, instead of [PLACES_ID], you're going to put your business's Google Places ID. When you lot're ready, save your changes.

Next, go to the mail service or folio where you want to display your embedded Google reviews. Switch to the code editor and paste the following line where you want the testimonials to show:

          <div id="google-reviews"></div>        

Finally, save your changes. Your Google reviews should now evidence up on your mail or page!

Want to promote trust in your business organization & increase conversions? 🤩 Embedding client reviews is the perfect place to start 🚀 Click to Tweet


Displaying client reviews on your website can assistance increase your concern's brownie and conversions. It can as well improve your search engine rankings. Fortunately, there are a couple of easy ways to brand this feedback visible to your customers.

To recap, you can embed Google reviews on your WordPress site by:

  1. Using the Widget for Google Reviews plugin to display them in posts and pages.
  2. Directly edit your site's HTML with JavaScript.

Do you have any questions most how to embed Google reviews on your site? Let us know in the comments section beneath!

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